Annual Report - August -2011 - August -2012
There are 3810 members in one year!
More than 50 members are frequently posting to the forum
Most of the members are actively participating in all activities.
Now it is very easy to find what is New?
Very easy to follow all the contents by all members.
Averege page visits per day is : 1500 per month : 45000
Non members are also benefiting lot.
More than 1,50,000 visits obtained for our home page in one year.
I only had posted more than 1200 messages last year.
The very very important thing is search engine optimization :
You can search in by using any keyword such as upakarma 2012, Amavasai tarpanam etc
you will find our site is ranked in the 1st position for most of the key words related to brahmins.
And at the same time I have earned Rs.5000/- from google and about $ 400 from our members as donation or vadhyar sambhavana
by which I can manage the server expenses etc.
If all members of vaideekam yahoo groups and other groups supports our forum
by posting a copy of the useful contents, it will make the forum very rich with contents
and more and more new brahmin members will also be benefited.
Disadvantges of yahoo groups.
We can not understand how many members read a particular post?
All messages will go to all members? There is no way to control to send a particular subject to particular group of members.
It is very hard to insert and format the pictures in your mail.
No way to insert a video.
Pdf also to be sent as attachment only. No way to preview the content of the pdf before download it. It will come to your mailbox automatically.
The only but a great advantage is, can read all the circulations by opening the mail box
and can reply by clicking reply button.
I request all to continue patronage and support.
What's Going On?
Currently Active Users
There are currently 16 users online. 3 members and 13 guests
Most users ever online was 164, 24-06-2012 at 01:12 PM.
Site Life Status
- Site Startup Date
- Friday, August 5, 2011 at 12:00 am
- Site Age
- 1 year, 15 days, 12 hours, 25 minutes and 51 seconds
- Site Location
- Chennai, India
- Hello, bmbcAdmin, you are the 153,753 visitor to this page.
- Average visits to this page
- Hourly
- 16.85
- Daily
- 404.31
- Weekly
- 2,830.15
- Monthly
- 12,297.67
- Yearly
- 147,572.09
Facebook+1 for Brahmins Statistics
Icon Legend
- Contains unread forum posts
- Contains no unread forum posts
- Forum is a category
- Forum is a Link
Kindly join our FREE, FAST, FRUITFUL online FORUM which is meant for:
Panchangam, Matrimonial, Religious, Rituals, Shastram, Social and Business Sharing of global Brahmins
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Best Wishes,