I will never take anything as mistake unless otherwise there seems some intention.
Even bad words bears no value when it is taken in the right sense.
Let it be.
Thanks for your contribution.
Sri Paranthaman who is the ultimate Paramatma Sriman Naryana will
definitely do all anugrahams for you and all your family.
Here I am giving few sample pages of the new year panchangam which is in the early stage of preparation.
With respect to suggestion given by few bhagavatas I included many things in this issue
and I have changed the orientation of the book also.
Now I feel little better for myself, users have to review it and give some useful feedback.
I expect and respect all the suggestions.
All possible suggestions will be implemented if I could get it before the end of this December.
More people will like if we could get it printed in multicolor wrapper which consumes more money.
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