Whenever you start a new thread,
a sequential number will be alloted to that thread.
You should note down that number if you want to go to that article directly
without navigating any other place in the forum.
Otherwise you can go to the forum (http://www.brahminsnet.com/forums/forum.php )
you could see the list of Top 20 Articles at the beginning of the forum (it may be shifted to bottom if suggested by members)
you can find the title of your article - How many views - How many replies - author name etc.
See below is the thread number of your article:
By changing the last number (thread number) you can every time go to that particular thread.
Also here is the technique to post a new reply to thread based on the thread number.
Whenever you find a thread interesting and wish to post your reply just note the number of that thread
say 528 for "learn 3 easy sanskrit slokas daily" started by me.
The basic navigation url is the same always:
the thread number should be added at the end of the above url like below:
Just you have to copy the above line and paste it in your browser's (interent explorer / Chrome / Firefox / Safari / Opera)
address bar and hit enter.
It will bring you that article you can read and if you wish to post a reply just scroll down
to find the open text box to type your reply.
Further by clicking the "Go Advanced" button at the end of the text box,
you could format your content with bbcodes, color, attachments etc. and could see a preview of your reply
before submitting it.
Please do not hesitate to ask further doubts regarding this.
Foot Note:-
Show me your support by Joining Brahmins forum it is FREE!
where you can interact directly with me and all other members.
2. Sri Nandana - 2012-2013 Paranthaman Panchangam is expected to release on 21-02-2012. Expecting your monetary support as every year to print & distribute more copies.
Best Regards,
Respected NVS Swamin, How do I know, who all have read my article. and when i add some more details in my own article, it comes as 1 reply...pls educateDasanRavi
From: NVS <vaideekam@gmail.com>To: post_venkatesh@yahoo.co.uk, vaideekam@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [Vaideekam] Re: how to set/retrieve password
Date: Wednesday, December 14, 2011, 6:37 PMDear Sri.Venkatesh,
Now our website and forum are working fine with the God's grace.
You have not registered in our forum with this mail ID.
Kindly send me other mail IDs if you have to search and find.
you can register as a new member.
Otherwise send me the following details to do it for you:
1. Name
2. Preferable User name:
3. E-mail ID
4. Date of Birth.
If you are my well wisher or a vaideeka follower,
Show me your support by Joining Brahmins forum it is FREE!
where you can interact directly with me and all other members
and Very Very useful & having contents for all age groups including Youths & Kids. (Ignore it if you have already joined).
Best Regards,
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