To: srirangasri <>
Respected members,
On Day 2 of the Thiruppali Odam Thirunaal, Namperumal blesses His devotees from the Hanumantha vaahanam. The procession begins at 5:30 PM, goes through the Uthirai streets and reaches the Aasthana Mandampam. Hanuman had obtained from Sri Rama, the boon of being with Him through all the Yugas - Kruthayuga, Dwapara yuga , Tretha yuga and Kaliyuga. He incarnates as a devotee to Maha Vishnu in all the Yugas and therefore is the greatest devotee and considered an entity above and beyond the Nava Grahas. Praying to the Lord Anchaneya (Hanuman) at this time is considered very auspicious and beneficial.

It is with great pleasure that I write yet again about Srirangam, the sthala of our Azhagiya Manavalan. The mere thought of Srirangam brings to our mind our Lord Ranganatha; our hearts and souls are replete with great bliss and joy in Him. Thiruvarangam is not just a temple town, it is the history of the Lord Himself came to reside there. Every celebration is a reminder of Him, His disciples (the great Alwars who gave us the Tamil Vedas – the Divya Prabantham), His consorts, His servants, His thiruvilaiyadal and His grace.
The festivals celebrated here have the express objective of conveying our gratitude to the Lord and His Ubhaya Nachiyars and to unite all His subjects as one family of Vaishnavites, without any division. The prime among these festivals is the Brahmotsavam, which is celebrated every year in the month of Masi as theThiruppali Odam Thirunaal for ten days.
This is the time when the Rajadhiraja, the King of Kings, goes out to meet his subjects in order to enquire about their welfare and shower His blessings on them. He specifically walks through the streets to give Darshan to the old and infirm who would not otherwise be able to go to the temple to gain His blessings. As a representation of this kingly duty, every morning and evening, Namperumal moves through the Uthirai streets on various Vahanams, to ensure that his subjects are well and truly happy.
On day 1 of the Thiruppali Odam Thirunaal, Namperumal reaches the Ranga Vilas Mandapam from the Sanctum Sanctorum. A procession begins with the Lord on the Hamsa vahanam and goes through the Uthirai streets arriving at the Chandana Mandapam near the sanctum. You may see our Azagiyamanavalan in Hamsa Vahanam in the attached picture. Doesn't He appear happy to revel in the devotion His subjects?
On Day 2 of the Thiruppali Odam Thirunaal, Namperumal blesses His devotees from the Hanumantha vaahanam. The procession begins at 5:30 PM, goes through the Uthirai streets and reaches the Aasthana Mandampam. Hanuman had obtained from Sri Rama, the boon of being with Him through all the Yugas - Kruthayuga, Dwapara yuga , Tretha yuga and Kaliyuga. He incarnates as a devotee to Maha Vishnu in all the Yugas and therefore is the greatest devotee and considered an entity above and beyond the Nava Grahas. Praying to the Lord Anchaneya (Hanuman) at this time is considered very auspicious and beneficial.
Bachata Dosham kshameekavum
Narasimha Bhattar
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